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health and wellness

My Two Favorite Essential Oils

So for those of you who follow me over on Facebook you know I have recently started using essential oils… My daughter started her oily journey back in September 2017 and has hit the ground running trying to get these amazing products into the lives of everyone she knows. She got me hooked when she had me diffuse lavender and I actually slept for most of the night!!

Not only does Young Living have oils, but they have toxin-free products for basically anything you can think of. Last month I ordered the Thieves hand soap for our home and my studio. Not only does it not have any toxins in it, but it smells amazing! It’s like Christmas in a bottle all year long 🙂  Yes, you will be smelling your hands!!!

Okay, now to my two current favorite oils! Lavender & Peppermint are my favorites and I want to tell you how I use them EVERY SINGLE DAY!

First, let’s talk about lavender… Lavender is my favorite sleep support oil because its aroma is extremely calming and oh so lovely! I also love to use lavender for all skin support because it is a very versatile oil.

Next is peppermint… I use this amazing oil for its cooling abilities during those lovely things called hot flashes! I try to make sure I always have a bottle of peppermint with me because you never know when the next hot flash will strike. HAHA!

These are just two of the incredible oils we use in our lives every day. Our house is always filled with a new aroma and I am always running to my daughter, Ashley when I have a new problem. She always says, “There’s an oil for that!” 🙂

If you have ever wanted to know more about essential oils just shoot me a message in the comments below, or email me at I definitely don’t know everything (not even close), but my daughter is always ready to answer questions for me when I don’t know the answer! If you are ready to start your oily journey, just click HERE and follow the steps below 🙂

1. Check “Wholesale Member” rather than “Retail Customer”. This doesn’t mean you have to sell oils, I promise! It simply gets you your kit & a 24% wholesale discount for the year.

2. Choose the starter kit w/the dewdrop diffuser or desert mist diffuser (unless you want to upgrade to the rainstone or aria)

3. Now, you can choose to set up a monthly “wellness box”, called Essential Rewards. It is hands down the best way to begin a toxin free lifestyle & receive sooooooo many freebies/rewards points in the process!

4. Enter all of your info! Create a username, password, and pin. Write these down so you have easy access to the site again for placing future orders!

5. Check out, confirm you got all the way to the confirmation page, & get super stoked you’re about to start your oily journey!